We offer a range of in-house and external counselling services, enabling us to provide support to much of the community.

Anti & post-natal pregnancy therapy service

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Who is this service for?

This service is available to anyone that has experienced anti or post-natal emotional health issues. We also provide therapy to those who are experiencing emotional difficulties that can come with an unplanned pregnancy. This support is not exclusively offered to women as men can also be affected by these issues.

Therapy for infertility

We also offer counselling support for people affected by infertility.

How can therapy help?

Therapy can help by providing a space to express the feelings that arise from these sorts of emotional tribulations. Working with a therapist can challenge less helpful ways of thinking and offer fresh perspectives. By having a place to process such complex and distressing feelings, clients have a chance to find a way of living with their new reality and to find meaning and satisfaction in other ways discovered by them in the work.
To see details of when appointments are offered for each service please click on the referral page below:

Referral page

How do I get to see a therapist?

If you would like to see a therapist, please click on the link below:

Complete referral form