Supporting emotional health since 1997

Become a supporter of Rephael House

Mental health support is underinvested, and any small amount can help us to continue our valuable work in the community.

Regular giving provides stability for the future and enables us to continue to provide affordable services for all.

£5 month would help support a child’s weekly ‘play therapy’ or counselling for a teenager struggling with anxiety.

You can make a regular or one-off donation through Totalgiving.

As well as regular giving you can support us in several other ways:
  • You can undertake a sponsored or fundraising event and raise funds through our Totalgiving Page
  • You can purchase items for us through our Amazon gift list
  • You could support us while you shop. Go to Easy Fundraising and you can see how we earn while you spend.
  • You can use Every Click as your search engine. Every time you search you raise money for us.